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New Jersey Libertarians React to President Trump's Pledges to Commute Ross Ulbricht’s Sentence to Time Served on Day One

LNC delegates chant Free Ross at President Trump speech

We look forward to the release of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Roger Ver, Ian Freeman, and all others who have been imprisoned for standing up for liberty.
— Daniel O’Neill, organizer of the Enemies of The State Bash
NEW JERSEY, USA, June 5, 2024 / -- President Donald Trump made a significant commitment to the libertarian community, promising to commute Ross Ulbricht’s sentence to time served on the first day of his administration. This announcement was made during his speech at the Libertarian National Convention, where he sought the support of libertarian voters.

The night before President Trump's pledge, the New Jersey Libertarian Party and the Libertarian National Convention honored five prominent heroes who have been labeled "Enemies of the State" due to their political actions and beliefs. These individuals, including Ross Ulbricht, have faced imprisonment or exile for their advocacy of liberty and resistance to state overreach.

The heroes recognized at the event were:

Ross Ulbricht – The creator of Silk Road, a pioneering online marketplace that challenged government control over the internet.

Julian Assange – Founder of WikiLeaks, known for his efforts in exposing government secrets and promoting transparency.

Edward Snowden – Whistleblower who revealed extensive global surveillance programs conducted by the NSA.

Roger Ver – A prominent advocate of Bitcoin and economic freedom.

Ian Freeman – An activist of free speech and cryptocurrency, facing legal battles for his beliefs.

The Libertarian National Convention attendees celebrated the recognition of these individuals and expressed their support for their eventual release. President Trump's promise to commute Ross Ulbricht’s sentence was met with enthusiasm and hope for similar actions towards other political prisoners.

"We cheer the release of Ross Ulbricht and thank President Trump for his promise," said Daniel O’Neill, organizer of the Enemies of The State Bash. "We look forward to the release of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Roger Ver, Ian Freeman, and all others who have been imprisoned for standing up for liberty."

In a remarkable show of support, the hashtag #FREEROSS trended on X, formally known as Twitter, for the first time since 2018, reflecting the renewed public interest and advocacy for Ulbricht's release.

“As residents of one of the least free states in America, it pains us to see everyday citizens who risked their liberties to save ours losing their freedom,” said New Jersey Libertarian State Chair Paul Baratelli. “We can no longer allow free speech to be censored, thoughts to be forbidden, and liberty to be usurped, as this causes irrevocable harm and ushers in tyranny. The release of these prisoners is crucial not only for their well-being but also for the preservation of our liberty, freedom, and society.”

The New Jersey Libertarian Party continues to advocate for the rights of political prisoners and to promote policies that protect individual freedoms and challenge government overreach.

About the New Jersey Libertarian Party
The NJ Libertarian Party (NJLP) is NJ's third largest political party, founded in 1972. Our vision is for a world in which all individuals have the right to exercise sole control over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live as they choose. Our goal is to build a political party that elects Libertarians to public office, and moves public policy in a libertarian direction. For more information, visit

Arielle Shack, VP Public Relations
New Jersey Libertarian Party
+1 973-738-2570
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