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Joyce Ramay (HR Consultant, Pres. Wise Solutions for Living)), Michela D’Andrea (HTS Exec. Asst.), Melanie Cardenas (HTS Loan Officer), Trey Rome (HTS Founder and CEO)

Simon Biles and Gwyneth Paltrow opened the door to teach us about how to create a healthy environment

Companies have to commit to reducing employee stress by helping them change and improve their lifestyles. Mental health is both an individual and corporate responsibility.
— Joyce Ramay
DALLAS, TX, USA, October 27, 2021 / -- Thanks to those trailblazers, Simon Biles in sports and Gwyneth Paltrow in entertainment and business, for bringing their personal issues into the spotlight, so we all can gain knowledge and compassion on how to improve our own mental health in our businesses and personal lives.

They took individual responsibility, but those around them recognized their needs too and supported them. That’s one key move to treating mental health issues according to Joyce Ramay, President of Wise Solutions for Living. Recognize your mental health issue and take responsibility.

Each year more than 10 percent of the adult population in America will suffer from a depressive illness. Consider this: it is the leading cause of disability in men and women; depression causes an estimated two hundred million lost workdays a year which costs employers $17 to $44 million!

Typical stresses for the average person are money, relationships, illness, moving, being too busy or even bored, and deep emotional problems. Some main work-related stressors are the organization’s culture, bad management practices, job content and demands, physical work environment, relationships at work, change management, lack of support and role conflict. And of course, starting in 2020, COVID -19 is causing a huge amount stress for people who are out of work, parents teaching at home, children being inside at home, lack of socialization, and confusion associated with how to treat the pandemic. Most people are not experts in how to deal with these serious issues so it can bring both an individual and a company to its knees if not treated appropriately.

Ramay has been providing employee counseling and consulting for 30+ years to a variety of top CEOs. Showing them how to help improve a corporate culture results in making employees satisfied with their work environment, become more productive, with less turnover, which results in a better bottom line for the employer.
“Companies have to commit to reducing employee stress by helping them change and improve their lifestyles,” states Ramay. “Stress is more than a state of mind and can affect marriages as well as company profits. Mental health is both an individual and corporate responsibility.

“A few years ago, I came across an unusual corporate culture where the CEO had built his benefits out of concern for his employees’ happiness and I wanted to work with them,” says Ramay. She has been working with Trey Rome, Founder and CEO of Home Tax Solutions for several years, named one of the “Best Places to Work in North Texas” in 2020 by Dallas Business Journal. She got involved to build upon what Trey had started when he envisioned his company. It’s all about teamwork; employees are so satisfied that most referrals for hiring come from within HTS with no need for the company to spend money with headhunters. “It pleases me as CEO to hear laughter in the halls of our offices, it reflects the health and well-being of our company and our employees,” says Rome.

One of the benefits for staff that Rome added at HTS is the option of stand-up workstations. “Research shows that this lowers stress and is better for the employee’s heart and overall health,” states Ramay. Providing healthy snacks is important so that employees don’t resort to stress eating; HTS provides healthier snacks and drinks to employees at no cost. It’s been proven that charity work also reduces stress in an individual. When you do something for someone else, it has a positive effect on you psychologically as well as physically. HTS staff volunteer together working with different charitable organizations in Texas at least quarterly.

“CEOs must realize that single women in the workplace are responsible for caring of their school age children, too,” says Ramay. HTS adopted bringing a child to work for anyone who needs it.

While working with Nissan, Ramay saw the need of mothers of young children and collaborated with them to open an on-site pre-school program. Nissan is a huge company and not all companies can afford this. The key issue in corporate America today is, who is making accommodations to parents in the workplace? In 2020 over half* the U.S. labor force were women and in Texas it was 77%**. And family stress falls on men, too.

Communication is key to good health, too. You don’t want angry employees because that filters through an office like a disease. If companies are able, providing a professional counselor makes it possible for all levels of employees and executives to reach out and ask for direction and coaching which helps them deal with others in a more effective and professional manner avoiding office conflicts. “You also want to encourage competition in your organization but in a safe way,” Ramay states.

“Two of several community support activities that HTS does are food drives and donating blood,” said Rome. “Our employees interact with co-workers on a different level than in the office, so it encourages bonding, and this helps our company retain top people – because they are happier and well-adjusted. That’s what I want for all our associates, to go home happy when they see their families,” Rome adds.

Mental health problems have an impact on employers and businesses directly through increased absenteeism, low productivity, and decreased profits, as well as an increase in costs to deal with this issue. We’ve seen this a lot this year due to COVID-19. In addition, they impact employee morale adversely which can fester throughout an office.

We all read where all types of companies are paying more now to attract good talent and are also offering more benefits to both attract and retain top people. Providing mental health support in an office culture should be a top priority for today’s CEOs, both out of concern for the associate as well as to grow a healthier, more successful business. Biles and Paltrow brought this important message to light; we now need to take it to the next step and build healthy work environments for all associates.

Francine Wittenberg Cashen
+1 949-735-5641
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