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Nominate Orange Mound into American Film History: U.S. 1st Black Community Birthplace of America's 1st Kick boxing Film

Orange Mound A Black Community in Memphis has the distinction of being the only community in America that has 6 Churches that are over 100 years. This historic Black Community in Memphis has over 30 Churches. Dr. Martin King visited Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in 1959

Elmore notes that filmmaking is the most powerful art form in the world whereas Elmore converted his home into a Black Film Culture whereas we can build Community via filmmaking Elmore starts production of his new film Rock and Roll a Black Legacy in the Spring of 2024

Elmore takes a picture in his home in 1985 with Peter Coors President of Coors Beer Elmore notes that it is historic that the President of a Major American Corporation would visit Orange Mound Amp was the 1st Black in Coors history to gain sponsorship from Coors

Orange Mound 1st Community in America built for Blacks by Blacks is the birthplace of Memphis 1st Independent film & 1st Kickbox film in American Film History

"the community holds a treasured place in the American story."
— President Barack Obama Jr.
MEMPHIS, TN, UNITED STATES, November 2, 2023 / -- Orange Mound is the 1st Community in America built for Blacks by Blacks can trace its roots to two Orange Mound Churches that started in 1879. In 2016 1st Lady Michelle Obama named Orange Mound "A Preserve America Community." Unknown and untold in Memphis is that "Orange Mound is the birthplace of not only Memphis 1st independent 35mm Theatrical Film Release, Orange Mound is the birthplace of the 1st Kickboxing film in American Film history.

In 1988 the United States Congress passed the National Film Preservation Act whereas Congress established the “National Film Registry.” Films are selected for preservation not as the best films, instead films are selected for their historical, cultural, and aesthetic contributions to American society.

"Amp" Elmore a Memphis born 5 Time World Kickboxing Champion and Filmmaker who wrote, produced, directed and starred in his own 1988 biopic called "The Contemporary Gladiator" explains: “we in Orange Mound created not only the 1st Independent 35mm theatrical film in Memphis film history; we created The 1st Kickboxing Film in American Film History.” Elmore who is the father of Kickboxing in Memphis promoted the “First Kickboxing bouts” in Orange Mound in Memphis in 1979. Elmore won his 1st World Kickboxing title in Memphis in 1982.

Upon winning his 1st World Kickboxing title in Memphis in 1982 Elmore is quoted on ESPN as saying; "Titles do not make men but it is men who makes Titles." Elmore known as the Muhammad Ali of Kickboxing patterned his life after his hero Muhammad Ali. Elmore like Muhammad Ali dedicates his life to the uplift of his people, his community and his country. Like Muhammad Ali Elmore and Muhammad Ali are the only world champion fighters who has a biopic whereas world champions they play themselves. Ali's 1977 film was titled "The Greatest." Elmore's 1988 film release is called "The Contemporary Gladiator."

Elmore and Muhammad Ali are the only two world fighting champions who has a relationship with the King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley. Muhammad Ali and Elvis Presley were the best of friends. While Elmore's 1988 Film is called "The Contemporary Gladiator," Elvis Presley who was a Karate enthusiast produced a 1973 documentary film called the "New Gladiators." Elvis loved Karate so much that he opened his own Karate school in 1974 whereas a young 21 year old hothead Elmore went to the Elvis Karate school and challenged Elvis school Karate instructor World champion Bill "Superfoot" Wallace to a match. Wallace had just beat up Elvis bodyguard close friend Red West.

Elmore who later became the father of Karate/Kickboxing in Memphis was later inducted in the "Elvis Presley Karate Memorial Hall of Fame." Elmore starts his new film Rock and Roll A Black Legacy in Spring of 2024. The upcoming film production includes the unknown and untold Black side of Elvis Presley in the film. Elvis Presley use to hang out in Orange Mound and performed at the W,C. Handy Theatre in Orange Mound with Black youth during amateur nights at the theatre when it was illegal during the rigid era of segregation in Memphis before Elvis became famous. Elmore explains that we accomplished so much in Karate that it is no doubt that Elvis who died in 1977 would have attended Elmore's Memphis Championship bout in May of 1982.

Elmore explains that it cannot be underestimated what we accomplished in 1988 whereas Elmore produced the 1st 35mm Independent Theatrical Film Release in Memphis film history. Elmore explains that our story is an American story and the model of a just and fair America; whereas I may have made a Black movie, however I was a Black man who gained opportunity in White America who supported Elmore efforts in helping him pull off the making of a 35mm Theatrical Film release.

While Anheuser-Busch is associated to boxing, unknown and untold Coors Beer is associated to the birth Kickboxing in America. Elmore is the 1st Kickboxer in American history to be sponsored by a major American Corporation, whereas Coors signed Elmore to a personal service contract in 1982 41 years ago.

In the 1988 film "The Contemporary Gladiator" Coors Beer is an actual character in the story whereas a Coors Beer Distributor supports Kickboxing in Memphis via allowing promotions of Kickboxing via opening their hospitality room for promotions with girls in shorts and Coors shirts. The true story is Elmore could not get local support regarding Kickboxing, whereas Elmore was mortgaging home to get money to promote his world title fight whereas at the 11th hour Coors Brewery came on board and supported Elmore's 1982 championship bout.

Elmore's campaign to Nominate Orange Mound into American Film History is tantamount to campaigning "Orange Mound Film history into Black History." Elmore explains that Black America and America should know that the 1st Kickboxing film in American film history is a Black film, about a Black Champion who lives in "Orange Mound" who was actually rescued by Coors.

Elmore will ask Coors to help "Orange Mound" the 1st Community in America built for Blacks by Blacks to assist in the National Campaign to get the 1988 Film "The Contemporary Gladiator" nominated by the United States Congress National Film Registry whereas Films are selected for their historical, cultural, and aesthetic contributions to American society. Elmore notes that via today's technology many films are premiered via streaming. Elmore will ask Coors to support the effort streaming & re-premiering of his America's historical 1st Karate/Kickboxing movie or maybe on B.ET.

Elmore notes that America can learn about Orange Mound the only Community in America that has a Cultural, Family and historical Connection to the Father of the Blues W.C. Handy, the King of the Blues B.B. King and the King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley. Click here to see Elmore video on this subject.

Anthony "Amp" Elmore is the only Karate/Kickboxing World Champion who has plays himself or have a biopic. Many would say Bruce Lee had a biopic, however, Bruce Lee was not a world champion.

Anthony "Amp" Elmore
Orange Mound Black Memphis Hollywood
+1 901-452-4330
email us here

Elmore notes that filmmaking is the most powerful art form in the world whereas Elmore converted his home into a Black Film Culture whereas we can build Community via filmmaking Elmore starts production of his new film Rock and Roll a Black Legacy in the Spring of 2024

Elmore takes a picture in his home in 1985 with Peter Coors President of Coors Beer Elmore notes that it is historic that the President of a Major American Corporation would visit Orange Mound Amp was the 1st Black in Coors history to gain sponsorship from Coors

Movie Trailer for 1988 Black Memphis film The Contemporary Gladiator

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